Thursday, June 12, 2014

Opening game

So the opening game has been played. A few take-a-ways. No one can underestimate the importance of winning the first game. As some one once can't win the world cup in the first game, but you can lose it. Brazil looked a little rough at times, and a little great at times. Their defense needs work, but they got 3 points, and that is what counts.  Croatia played well, but with out Mandzukic, the Bayern Munich striker who had to sit out today because of a red card in qualifying, they did not have the the fire power. Still, he will be back next game and Croatia has to believe they can make it out of the group.
   What has me most worried is the officiating. Not about missed calls. I am not worried about the penalty kick, or a card given or not given. What has me concerned was the overall physical level of the game. Hard tackles were everywhere. Is this going to be the way the games are called? If so, Italy and Uruguay must be pinching themselves because that style will suit them well. The creative teams, they will get beat up and it will not be fun to watch. Hopefully this game was an aberration. There's are 4 games tomorrow, so I guess we will find out.

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